5 Tips to be COVID Free

How do you know that you're safe from COVID?        

Image by Elliot Alderson from Pixabay
          The world has been suffering through a pandemic. Most of the countries in the world are in "Community Quarantines" right now, which will refrain the social contact of people in public places. Although in some countries the quarantine has been lifted, we should not let our guard down by not having good hygiene, having physical contact with strangers, and not having a nutritious meal

Here are the 5 tips you can do to keep you and your family to be COVID FREE:  

1. Disinfect Everything

        What do I mean with "Disinfecting Everything"? basically, anything that had contact with objects in public. This can be your shoes, clothes, bags anything that the virus can touch. Doing this step does not only stop you from getting infected, but it also helps stop the spread in a worldwide perspective. Disinfecting your things can not only save your life but it can also save others' lives too.

2. Eat Nutritious Food

         The coronavirus targets your immune system. Since it is still a new virus, your body does not know how to react. Your immune system gets confused about what type of anti-body it should release to fight the virus. Although some people have survived the virus, we must not let the virus get a chance to destroy our immune system. Eating citrus fruits or fruits with high acidity kills the virus that is still in your throat. Prevention is better than a cure, if we prevent the virus from our bodies in the first place, we will not have a problem with getting a virus.

3. Practice Social Distancing

         When we go outside of our house we can stumble upon many strangers. We don't know which person has the virus and which one doesn't. To avoid getting the virus from a complete stranger, we must practice social distancing. What is social distancing? It is when you are 3-7 feet away from another person. If we maintain social distancing the chances of you getting the coronavirus is very low. When people practice social distancing it will give the virus less medium to travel around.

4. Wear a mask

          Wearing a mask is important if you are sick. Wearing a mask hinders the virus to spread, wearing a mask helps other people that aren't sick to not receive the virus. If you want the coronavirus to end quicker then whenever you go outside always wear a mask.

5. ALWAYS Bring Alcohol With You

          You can disinfect yourself on the go with a small alcohol bottle. The transmission of the coronavirus happens when you touch something or someone infected and then proceed with touching your nose, mouth, or eyes. The virus cannot enter your body if you do not touch your nose, eyes, and mouth with an infected hand. That is why alcohol is handy, you can bring it with you wherever you are.

        Overall you can do these tips and make sure that you and your family are safe during this crisis. We should always take the necessary measures to prevent this from spreading. 
