Guide on Communicating Effectively

Are you communicating effectively with people?

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
          Oftentimes problems arise when people are misinterpreting the message they are trying to convey. Let's say that you are a parent and your child did something terribly wrong. Instead of saying "Hazelee, stop it!", you have to tell her what she needs to do. "Hazelee can you please behave?" that phrase alone will make it clear for Hazelee to understand the message you are trying to convey. There can be many factors that can hinder you from communicating effectively but I am going to share with you a few tips that I've had from communicating with other people effectively.
         Everybody has a different perspective. What do I mean with a "different perspective"? each one of us has a different view of reality. Everybody has their own personal preferences. Once you understand another person's perspective of the world then it will be easy for you to convey a message that is clear and straightforward. Here are a few key points on what to remember whilst having a conversation to communicate effectively:

                    •Don't Be Negative - Do not be negative, if you want a conversation to go well then avoid negative topics. Focus on positive topics as much as possible. If you start a conversation negatively there is a chance that the person that you are talking to will argue on something that he disagrees with you, and that will end in a debate. When the two of you are going to debate you are going to say mean things to each other without trying to understand what situation they are in. Both of you will be exhausted from trying to defend yourselves with the mean things that you say to each other and will most likely not want to have a resolution with you.

                    •Don't Talk too Much - If you talk too much there is a large chance that you will irritate the person that you are talking to, resulting in the person not listening to you. Always think to yourself "I have a chance to say this, let's just calm down and listen to people ", if you exercise not talking too much and listening to people at the same time you will gain their respect. Because you are showing that you are listening to them and showing concern on what they have to say about a certain topic.

                   •Understand The Mood of The People - You need to understand the mood of the people. You cannot say "Let's celebrate! I won a gaming tournament yesterday!" to a person that has lost a loved one. Understanding the mood is one of the key points that you have to be aware of.

          In conclusion, you must be careful about what you're trying to say to others because it is going to affect them differently. Having good communication skills not only helps you have good conversations but it can also be used in interviews etc.
