Bullying and its Effects in the Community

Bullying and its Effects in the Community

Photos by Kat J on Unsplash
          Bullying is not new to the social community. Bullying takes place whether you are in school or at the park. Bullying also has its effects, people have different opinions on the effects of bullying. The positive effects are involved with the victim getting a chance to stand up for himself and to fight back. The negative effects are when the children get depressed that they never try to do
anything again in their lives.

          We are all familiar with the negative side of bullying and how it is affecting the mental health of children that have mindsets thinking that they cannot fight for themselves. Bullying is present when a person makes fun of another person that hurts the victim's feelings. We should be mindful of how strong bullying impacts the mental health of a person. Most of the people getting bullied go through depression in their lives. Depression is not good for the mental health of a person. Depression can change a person's way of thinking and behavior.

          In some countries bullying has been considered a crime, although they have taken actions towards the matter, it doesn't really help the victim's mental health. Once a person gets bullied/terrified by a bully, they will see that person as superior to them that they cannot surpass. We should spread awareness about bullying and how it can affect the mental health of people.

          If ever you see a person getting bullied, don't be afraid to stand up for them. If you are going to stand up for them you are giving them the confidence to let them stand up for themselves. If you have been experienced being bullied and see another person getting bullied, then stand up for them. If you cannot help and stand up for them, then at least talk to them and try your best to help them. People getting bullied are not okay, once a person gets bullied their perspective of the world changes, opening them to the reality of the world they live in. Sure it has its negative effects but once you overcome getting bullied you will take note of things to keep in mind in the future, like not minding the people bullying you.

          Most bullies bully for specific reasons. Some bullies bully because they were abused by their parents, some bullies bully because they have been bullied, and some bullies bully others to dominate others and improve their own social status. Bullies are insecure people that pick on people that have less power than them for no valid reasons.

           In conclusion, we should help bullied victims from bullies and also help them in the process of healing their mental health. Getting bullied is tough, we don't want ourselves and others to be bullied by other people. Together we can make a difference to make the world a less toxic place.
